Small Groups

FBCL small groups meet twice a month on Sunday evenings to discuss sermons, fellowship together, and care for one another.

If you would like to be involved with small groups, please contact us.

Application questions will be posted here on Sunday mornings.

Discussion Questions

February 9, 2025

Scripture: Romans 6:1-4

  1. How does Romans 5 help us understand the foundation of grace in the Christian life?
  2. What does it mean for you, personally, to embrace grace in your daily life?
  3. Why is living in sin “inconceivable” for a Christian? What are some signs that we might be allowing sin to reign in our lives? In what ways do we sometimes act as if sin still has authority over us?
  4. Paul says believers have died to sin. What does it mean to be “set free from sin’s enslaving power”? How does knowing that you are no longer under sin’s authority change the way you respond to temptation?
  5. How does baptism symbolize our death to sin and new life in Christ?


February 16, 2025

Scripture: Romans 6:5-11

  1. Paul repeats the idea of being “with Christ” multiple times (e.g., buried with Him, crucified with Him, live with Him). Why do you think this emphasis is so important?
  2. How would you explain to a new believer the difference between being “enslaved to sin” and “set free from sin”?
  3. In what ways do we sometimes live as if we are still under the power of sin and death?
  4. What are some practical ways we can remind ourselves (or each other) that we are no longer slaves to sin?
  5. Paul says in verse 11, “You also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God.” What does it mean to “consider” ourselves this way?
  6. Why do you think this is the first command Paul gives in Romans?