Our Leaders

Our elders and deacons serve the church body by working alongside the congregation in the various ministries of the church: Our elders provide spiritual leadership and teaching to equip the church, and deacons serve those leading and working in our ministries. Elders and deacons are called by the church based on qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

Ross Shannon

Elder, Senior Pastor

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Ross grew up in Woburn, MA, about 10 miles Northwest of Boston. His father, Jim, worked as a farmer, leading a five-generation family greenhouse business. He grew up attending The Church of the Open Bible in Burlington, MA and was schooled at its Open Bible Academy. Upon graduation, Ross attended Northland Baptist Bible College, receiving his Bachelor’s in Bible with a math minor. After completing a pastoral internship at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C., Ross moved to Louisville, KY where he finished a Master of Divinity degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Before coming to First Baptist in the Spring of 2011, Ross served on the staff at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. Ross and his wife Suemi are blessed with six children: Lily, Owen, Nora, Jack, Eliza, and Asa.

Kevin Moses

Elder, Associate Pastor

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Kevin grew up in southeast Michigan as the second of twelve children. After graduating from Bob Jones University with a degree in Health, Fitness, and Recreation, he served for four years at a Christian school and church in Chattanooga, TN. From 2007-2015, Kevin and his wife Isetta lived in Dunbar, WI, where he served as the Operations and Junior Camp Director at Northland Camp. God used those experiences to sharpen their desire for service and give them experience with children, youth, and adult ministry. During those years, Kevin joined the pastoral staff at Grace Baptist Church, where his areas of oversight included Sunday School, children’s ministry, and corporate worship. He and his family moved to Lapeer in 2015 to serve with First Baptist Church. In addition to his graduate studies, he also enjoys coaching, sports, reading, running, and spending time with Isetta and their four children (Caleb, Jacqueline, Luke, and Elizabeth).

Tim Denney


John Chrysler


Jeff Shepard
