
God is generous toward us, and His people respond by giving generously, joyfully, and sacrificially to His kingdom work. True worship of God begins when we give ourselves completely to Him (Romans 12:1). Worship continues as we follow Him faithfully, obeying His commission to make disciples of all people groups (Matthew 28:19-20). To that end, we give our resources–both time and money–in order to fuel gospel work in our congregation, our city, and around the world. Giving generously, joyfully, and sacrificially is a responsibility of every member of our church who is able.

Online Giving

You have the option of giving by credit card, debit card, or e-check (ACH). Our church incurs a 2.3% processing fee plus $.30 per transaction on all credit/debit card donations and $.30 per e-check (ACH) donation. You will be given the option of including the processing fee with your gift. We encourage you to give to cover those fees (in addition to your gift, not out of your gift).
You may also set up recurring payments through the link below. This may help you be more disciplined and consistent in giving. If you have any questions about online giving, please contact us.

Cash & Checks

Cash or Check

Give with cash or check using the offering box in the lobby.  (100% of your donation goes to FBCL.) Offering envelopes are available; please ask a Financial Officer if you’d like them.

Automatic Bill Pay

Use your bank’s automatic bill pay feature to set up recurring payments to First Baptist Church at the address below.  (100% of your donation goes to FBCL.)

Mail a Check

Mail a check, payable to First Baptist Church of Lapeer. (100% of your donation goes to FBCL.)

First Baptist Church
1212 Knollwood Dr.
Lapeer, MI 48446